It’s hard to believe we are already back from KBIS 2020, where we invited 15 Design Professionals and Influencers (our Designhounds), around a massive show filled with kitchen and bath design inspiration and innovation. What rose to the surface throughout the tour was a creative integration between design and functionality to create products that improve lives and the overall well being of the individual. The terms Wellness Design and Personalization were everywhere which for us clearly defines the focus of this next decade: Creating spaces that are truly designed for the individual that lives and works in them – humancentric design.

Compac, the surfaces company from Spain, started things on a beautiful note at KBIS 2020 with an exclusive presentation and an impressive display of their work led by a tribute to art and design with the Waterstorm Washbin designed by Arik Levy. In hearing the company’s story it was clear that Compac prides itself in its artist and designer collaborations with a focus on the environment and a passion that goes into every step of their marble and quartz production. With this appreciation and dedication to nature and art, Compac delivers an unparalleled experience for designers and subsequently for clients that seek natural materials that are available in sophisticated patterns and shapes.

A clear mission for a “happier you”, was found with MrSteam, a Designhounds legacy sponsor and a brand that always delivers an incredible level of happy through its suites of steamshower solutions and, for our tour at KBIS, a private spa event. MrSteam is in the business of steam – for over 100 years in fact – but more importantly they are in the business of wellness. Steam delivers over 40+ health benefits from reducing inflammation to reduction in anxiety – so one could say MrSteam provides happiness, health and overall wellness. Have you sat in a steam room recently? No? We highly recommend you do.

Imagine taking 10 minutes a day just for yourself, letting go of stress, allowing your body to relax into the warm steam and perhaps adding aroma-, chroma- or music-therapy to help you further relax or to invigorate you. With all of this being controlled through the touch of a button or, better yet, your voice. Now imagine, as a design professional, being able to share this experience with your clients, helping them learn to slow down and focus on self care, emotional well being and better health.
The designer, as partner in the client’s wellness journey, will only grow in importance as home health and wellness move from being luxury to a necessity and MrSteam is the perfect place to start.

The other element in the holistic approach to wellness design is: Customization. We were thrilled to see Thermador’s key message during our media tour at KBIS 2020, being “You do You”. Yes!! To support this mantra, Thermador creates solutions for spaces – whether that is in the bedroom, yoga studio, office, kitchen, pet area, mudroom, self-care space, you name it. Thermador revealed a number of innovative ways to incorporate undercounter refrigeration, coffee makers and other appliances around the home, complete with customized panels.

As we enter this new decade wherever we turn, we see the need for individuality and new ways to define and reflect who we are and what works for us. This is a time of self-exploration, self-care and individuality and Thermador offers a range of solutions that help “You do You” and that, helps designers create a better, healthier and happier clientele.

When it comes to customization and elevating the home experience, DesignhoundsKBIS sponsor Control 4 leads the charge in personalized smart home automation. Control4 featured its Tiny House experience at IBS and was one of the featured Smart Home technology brands at this year’s New American Home in Henderson, Nevada. Control4 powered the intelligent home in all areas including lighting, music, window treatments and appliances, all from a single app.

We are big advocates of smart home solutions IF they are easy to use and the Control4 system is just that. Day-to-day life is easier, more ergonomic and safer and impacts how clients live and work in the space with smart home technology. For example, the new Control4 Neeo remote allows the user to control lighting, music, TV and lock the doors to name a few functions- all with a single remote that is both touchscreen and equipped with buttons. To learn about working with Control4 and to find an expert to partner with in your area take a look at their dealer locator.

Can you design for wellness without focus on function? No, you cannot. As Europe’s largest kitchen manufacturer, nobilia definitely know a thing or two about form and function. The Germany-based company shared their company mission and design ethos with an insightful presentation on a company that manufacturers 3,500 kitchens per day yet retains its strict focus on quality and functionality. The company prides itself combining technology with art and efficiency with design creating a product category all their own – European Kitchen Furniture. nobilia adheres to the Bauhaus principle of Gesamtkunstwerk, the synthesis of arts in a total artwork that makes use of all or many art forms. This includes LED lighting inside cabinetry and under countertops of toekicks, vertical cabinetry lift doors, motorized openings with a touch of knee or foot and, of course, beautiful design styles. This makes for functional, approachable and beautiful designs intended to enhance our daily life in the place we spend the most time, the kitchen.
Knowing that a smarter, more human-centric home creates better lives and happier and healthier people inspired our team and allows us to rethink our upcoming events at Modenus Talks and Designhounds. We hope that KBIS and our coverage encourages you to truly think about the impact your work as design professionals has on the people you work with. The value a design professional brings to a project is about to be redefined and we are thrilled to be a part of this industry as this new chapter begins to unfold.
Veronika Miller, Modenus Media CEO and Designhounds Founder

It was a pleasure to spend time with our sponsors who all invested in creating better lives. A big thank you to our media partner and sponsor KBIS, who provides experiences for our designers that inspire, inform and introduce us to these innovative brands, programs and education that serve to create a better life. See you in 2021?