Forgive us if we SQUEAL just a little bit louder than normal but WE ARE SOOOOO EXCITED to be headed back to a REAL LIFE KBIS from February 8-10, 2022. If you know us, you know we love digital and our Designhounds AT HOME programs in the past two years have proven that we’re really good at virtual too but NOTHING BEATS REAL LIFE and we’re ready to go and extremely thankful for the brands that will be supporting us this year.
Designhounds KBIS 2022 Sponsors:
KBIS – The Kitchen & Bath Industry Show
We are thrilled to be working with KBIS for a 10TH YEAR, can you believe that? KBIS has been a huge part of the success of Designhounds, which was formerly known as BlogTour. There’s a lot to talk about around these ten years and we will promise to follow up with Designhounds KBIS 10 Year Retrospective soon but today, we focus on the upcoming show:
Almost 400 exhibitors and many new features like:
- The NKBA Global Connect Pavilion featuring Global Connect Spotlight presentations by companies like Ballerina Kitchens from Germany, as well as an opportunity for US designers and distributors to network with brand new international brands during our round table sessions. See the program HERE.
- The German Pavilion! A dedicated area in South Hall that presents some of Germany’s finest brands including Germany’s largest cabinet manufacturers nobilia and Haecker; German luxury brand Siematic and, Dein Konfigurator a software brand offering cutting edge Point-of-Sale solutions
- The ICFF Pavilion brings together exciting brands and makers that feature contemporary, high design and cutting edge, design forward ideas and products
- The KBIS Kickstarter Pavilion – Brands that are new to KBIS and have truly innovative product to present, Check out Cooksy for example.
- It’s a full show so plan to stay all three days so you have time to take in programming at
- KBIS Next Stage – all the programs are listed here
- And in our very own DMMTalks Lounge – all the programs are here
Signature Kitchen Suite
A long time brand partner for Designhounds, we are excited to be able to meet the team and its collection of extraordinary products in person at KBIS. Signature Kitchen Suite prides itself in having mastered the intersection between technology – no surprise since they are part of LG Electronics – and design, for a line of appliances that promise to impress even seasoned culinary and design pros.
We can’t wait to see what’s new – and we promise, one or two new product launches will KNOCK YOUR SOCKS OFF – but we also look forward to our team of Designhounds experiencing the core suite by Signature Kitchen Suite including:

Mr.Steam – Makers of Steamshowers
Another 10 Year anniversary will be with Mr Steam who have supported our influencer programs and tours since they invited us to a spa night in Germany in 2012 – oh yes, a dozen American bloggers whipping around in an outdoor thermal tub in Cologne Germany – in the name of great design, wellness and STEAM!
Since then, MrSteam has invited us to get steamy in London, LA, Vegas, Orlando, New York and even way back when we started working with KBIS in New Orleans? VP of Sales and Marketing or as we lovingly call her, Mrs Steam, Martha Orellana was with us all the way and for this, we’d never even so much as look at any other steam.
Aside from over 40 known benefits MrSteam makes the effort to explain exactly how to design a steamshower which you can do using their Virtual Spa Design Tool and how to install or trouble shoot every last little component, meet the video gallery to end all video galleries (other brands take note please!)
Beyond that, designs are just soooo sleek – check ’em out:

Compac – The Surfaces Company
We are very honored that Compac from Spain have elected to sponsor Designhounds for a second time. Compac are promising a number of striking new product launches so you’ll have to follow #designhounds on social media to get the latest and we will share some of company’s current offering as well as a look back at Designhounds KBIS 2020 with Compac:

nobilia – German Kitchen Furniture
Finally we are proud to welcome nobilia Kitchen Furniture from Germany back to the Designhounds portfolio of sponsor brands. In the past we’ve learned about German kitchen heritage, the company’s roots in the Bauhaus movement where the guiding principle remains to this day: Form Follows Function.
Beyond a vast offering of design options and interior features, we will take a close look at how easily nobilia kitchens are installed and how well built these frameless kitchens are .Behind every nobilia component is the best in German engineering for ultimate flexibility and full-access construction, as well as integration of intelligent features for more efficiency, more comfort, more options at the best experience.
In other words, Made in Germany is once again, true to its legacy.

There’s more to come from Designhounds KBIS so as always, stay tuned to #designhounds on all your social channels and apply if you want to join our community of design influencers
NKBA Global Connect
We are exceptionally proud to announce our official collaboration with NKBA Global Connect, the international program by NKBA. As part of this program, select international brands can gain access to NKBA market research, meet with NKBA Global Connect advisors and tour KBIS as part of a delegation, all with the goal of making their entry into the North American Market a successful one.
At KBIS, NKBA will present its inaugural NKBA Global Connect Pavilion featuring Ballerina Kitchens from Germany, the inaugural German Pavilion featuring SieMatic, Haecker, nobilia, Kesseboehmer and Dein Konfigurator and two delegation tours with manufacturers and association leadership from the UK, Germany and Turkey.
We look forward to seeing NKBA Global Connect in action at the NKBA Global Connect Pavilion in South Hall where Designhounds will be on hand to cover the Global Connect Spotlight presentations and join designer and distributor round tables that are designed to help international manufacturers understand what North American buyers need to succeed with them.
For more about NKBA Global Connect CLICK HERE and for the full program Global Connect schedule at KBIS CLICK HERE